Dr. Farhad Sigari | Del Rey MD
Dr. Farhad Sigari | Del Rey MD
- Seasonal depression is a common occurrence during the winter months.
- Around 10 million Americans experience seasonal depression every year.
- Persistent sinus problems may increase the probability of experiencing depression, but treatment can resolve both issues.
"The connection between sinus issues and mood disorders, particularly anxiety and depression, is a significant one. Studies have consistently shown that there is a link between chronic nasal obstruction or sinusitis and mood disorders," Dr. Sigari told LA Harbor News. "Difficulty in breathing comfortably and freely can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress. Secondly, sleep plays a crucial role in mood regulation, and chronic sinus issues can disrupt a person's sleep quality."
A report from Boston University revealed that around ten million Americans encounter seasonal depression, also known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), annually. This condition may manifest with symptoms such as sadness, lethargy, and changes in weight. Typically, SAD occurs during the winter, marked by shorter days and reduced sunlight, and it tends to impact women more frequently than men. Treatment options for SAD include light therapy and conventional approaches like antidepressant medications.
Additional symptoms that could relate to SAD include oversleeping, weight gain, tiredness, low energy, and appetite changes, specifically cravings for high-carb foods, according to the Mayo Clinic. Doctors there noted that, although experiencing occasional low moods is a common part of life, if you find yourself consistently feeling down for extended periods and struggle to muster enthusiasm for activities you typically enjoy, it's advisable to consult with your healthcare provider. This becomes particularly crucial if you notice changes in your sleep patterns and appetite, rely on alcohol for solace or relaxation, or experience feelings of hopelessness.
According to a study conducted by Houston Advanced Nose & Sinus, up to 25% of individuals dealing with chronic sinusitis also encounter symptoms of depression, in addition to more typical signs of a sinus infection like headaches, facial pain, coughing, and nasal discharge. Addressing sinus infections through medication or procedures like balloon sinuplasty can be an effective treatment for depression stemming from chronic sinusitis.
Per Del Rey MD's website, Dr. Sigari obtained his bachelor's degree in biomedical engineering from the University of California, San Diego, where he conducted research on heart disease. He attended Chicago Medical School, earning degrees in medicine, applied physiology, and pathology. He then completed his surgical internship training, specializing in otolaryngology and head and neck surgery, at the University of Chicago Hospital.