The four bedroom, four bathroom home at 23733 Burbank Blvd. 110, Los Angeles was sold on Feb. 25 by Levine Lawrence L. Levine Family Trust for $1,025,000. The buyer was Lawrence L. Levine.
On Feb. 24, Asencion and Erica Castellon Castellon (trustees) (trust) sold their three bedroom, two bathroom home at 5144 Carfax Ave., Lakewood to Asencion and Erica Castellon (trustees) for $880,000.
The four bedroom, two bathroom home at 7538 W. 90th St., Los Angeles was sold on Feb. 24 by Tyler A. Alcala Krystal Bradford for $1,930,000. The buyer was Tyler A. Bradford.
On Feb. 24, Barraj Walid Co. (trustee) (and others) purchased a four bedroom, two bathroom home at 1101 W. 40th Place, Los Angeles from Barraj Walid Co. Albarian Berge (trustee) (and others) for $885,000.
On Feb. 24, Alice Roberts purchased a two bedroom, two bathroom home at 13233 Fiji Way 000F, Los Angeles from Alice Alice Roberts Roberts (trust) for $1,210,000.
The four bedroom, two bathroom home at 7026 Andasol Ave., Los Angeles was sold on Feb. 24 by Avazian Eric Co. C. and I. Avazian (deceased) (trustee) (trust) for $900,000. The buyer was Avazian Eric Co. (trustee).
On Feb. 24, Judith A. Judith A. Nelson Nelson (trust) sold their three bedroom, two bathroom home at 13785 Sproule Ave., Los Angeles to Judith A. Nelson for $725,500.
On Feb. 24, Eugene J. Turner (trustees) purchased a five bedroom, three bathroom home at 17409 Kinzie St., Los Angeles from Eugene J. Turner Turner (trustees) (trust) for $1,370,000.
On Feb. 24, Juan A. and Rosa M. Ruiz Deni M. Salazar (and others) sold their two bedroom, one bathroom home at 14208 Chamberlain St., Los Angeles to Juan A. and Rosa M. Salazar (and others) for $760,000.
The five bedroom, four bathroom home at 1749 Mandeville Lane, Los Angeles was sold on Feb. 24 by City National Bank N. A. A. M. and F. B. Cohen (deceased) (trustee) (trust) for $4,701,000. The buyer was City National Bank N. A. (trustee).
On Feb. 24, Irene Rosenberg Diego R. and Tatiana L Rosenberg sold their two bedroom, one bathroom home at 2016 W. 77th St., Los Angeles to Irene Rosenberg for $780,000.
The two bedroom, two bathroom home at 2021 Hillhurst Ave. 10, Los Angeles was sold on Feb. 24 by Molly E. Molly E. Flynn Flynn (trust) for $805,000. The buyer was Molly E Flynn.
On Feb. 24, Phyllis A. Collins purchased a one bedroom, one bathroom home at 4700 Natick Ave. 108, Los Angeles from Phyllis A. Phyllis A. Collins Collins (trust) for $445,000.
On Feb. 24, Michelle N. Chan Chan (trust) sold their two bedroom, one bathroom home at 1172 Nelrose Ave., Los Angeles to Michelle N Chan for $1,735,000.